Friday, December 18, 2015

Hong Kong Missionary Experience--December 2015

Scott and Joy Holbrook's Missionary Expereince
Hong Kong 2015

We came from Macau to Hong Kong for a 5 weeks just before the American Thanksgiving.  It is exciting to seem Hong Kong at Christmas time.  The stores are all decorated and the holiday spirit is in the air.  They are commercialized just like the USA.  Each store has their Christmas sales items displayed but most stores have only a small section (10X10) dedicated to Christmas.

Kowloon Downtown 2015

In coming to Hong Kong, we had an opportunity to work at the Hong Kong Temple on Sunday the 22nd of November.  It is the only temple in the world opened one Sunday each quarter.  It is to allow domestic workers who work 6 days a week and 12 hours a day a chance to attend the temple.  It was fun to be involved as over 120, mostly Filipino's, came to the temple.  We were just made Temple Workers and it was wonderful to help.

Elder and Sister Holbrook at the Hong Kong Temple 11-22-15

We work with 2 groups of missionaries predominately.  One is the group from Macau and the other is the International Group in Hong Kong.  We get to know these young men and young women very well.  They are full of energy and excitment--they work tirelessly each and every day helping people and sharing a message of  our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Macau Zone Dec 2015

Hong Kong International District Dec 2015
Joy loves working with the 150 missionaries on their medical issures.  For the most part, it is colds, allergies, feet problems from walking 6-8 miles a day, digestive issues (strange food and the Chinese quick step; same as the Mexician) and other minor ailments.  She is excited to help them each day as the phone begins to ring.

Elder James Dim Sum Birthday Meal--he pays!  Dec 2015
We went to a fantastic Dim Sum Restuarnt to celebrate the birthday of Elder Jerry James.  It was a treat and the food was amazing.  It did not cause digestive problems.

The tradition in the far east is on a birthday the people get together and the person celebrating the birthday buys everyone a meal.  How did we get this backwards in the USA?

The LDS Church for a service project has made 1300 throw blankets for the elderly.  We had about 900 people involved in making these blankets.  It was a fun time with many hands assiting in making the gifts for the Elderly.  We are some of the "elderly" but did not get one!!

Making Throw blanket for the Elderly Dec 2015
We are having a very special experience.  It is exciting to be able to help others.  Merry Christmas to each of you.

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